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Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)

The Neurocritical Care Society strives to provide...
Quality Patient Care by identifying and implementing best medical practices for acute neurological disorders that are consistent with current scientific knowledge, and that promote compassionate care and respect for patient-centered values.
Professional Collaboration by providing a forum for communication, collaboration, and exchange of ideas between physicians and allied health-care professionals within different specialties who care for critically-ill neurological patients.
Research by fostering clinical, experimental, and outcomes research focused on developing innovative and cost-effective medical and surgical interventions for acute neurological disorders.
Training and Education by developing standards for advanced fellowship training, program accreditation, and physician certification in the subspecialty of neurological intensive care.
Advocacy by making the case to patients, the public, policy makers and other healthcare professionals that complex, life-threatening neurological diseases are best cared for by a multidisciplinary team with special expertise in neurocritical care.
The Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) is proud to be the only professional society representing multi-disciplinary teams of neurocritical care providers around the world whose mission is to improve outcomes for patients with life-threatening neurological illnesses.
Website: NCS